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The Mares at Marbach Main Stud

The mares at Marbach are the foundation and backbone of the Main Stud. Marbach is home to Warmblood and Arabian Thoroughbred mares. The locals have always very fondly referred to the Arabian mares as the “Silver Herd”.

From March on the foals are born in the “foaling stables” at Marbach Main Stud. Shortly after birth, the mares with their foals join their herds in the large open stables again. The foals stay with their mums and the other mares and foals for six months. The young horses will then be reared in groups of peers at Marbach’s stud farms.


Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach

Gestütshof 1
72532 Gomadingen-Marbach


+49 (0) 73 85 / 96 95-0

+49 (0) 73 85 / 96 95-10

Weitere Informationen

Im Jahr 2017 feiert die Weil-Marbacher-Araberzucht ihr 200-jähriges Jubiläum. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Seite der Veranstaltung

Weiterführende Informationen zur Weil-Marbacher Vollblutaraberzucht finden Sie auch auf der Internetseite