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Marbach Classics 2014 in der Arena

Events at Marbach State Stud

Events at Marbach State Stud


Dr. Claudia Gille
Carmen Pfefferle
Veranstaltungsplanung und Organisation

+49 (0) 73 85 / 96 95-0

+49 (0) 73 85 / 96 95-10



Nicole Meyer
+49 (0 73 85) 96 95-37
+49 (0 73 85) 96 95-0

Events at Marbach State Stud

Noble stallions, gripping auctions, horses & music and the spectacular annual stud shows. Marbach State Stud offers many highlights and exciting events for horse fans, breeders, riders and the whole family every year.

The new year and the event season start with the stallion presentation in particular aimed at breeders but also at potential buyers of Marbach bred youngsters. Shortly after, a fine selection of young horses, mostly bred with Marbachs’ stallions will be on offer at the annual stud auction.

The great spring event is the Marbach International Eventing, on the second weekend each May.

The “Marbach Classics”, early July always guarantee goose bumps for fans of classic music and horses presented to the music in a beautiful variety show. A renowned classic orchestra plays live to the “dancing” horses.

In autumn, Marbach’s big stud show over 3 weekends is certainly another highlight and well worth seeing with on average over 25,000 visitors, 180 horses and 80 riders.

Please find all events in the events calendar and further information in this section.

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