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Araberstuten mit Fohlen in Marbach auf der Weide

Main Stud Marbach

Main Stud Marbach


Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach
Gestütshof 1
72532 Gomadingen-Marbach


+49 (07385)9695-0

+49 (07385)9695-10

The Main Stud*

A herd of around 30 Warmblood and 20 Arabian Thoroughbred mares and their offspring is the result of many decades of intensive work focused on horse breeding at the Main Stud of Marbach State Stud.  Nowadays, the stallions originating from this consolidated breeding with the mares of the Main Stud, have significant influence and positively support the breeding of horses all over the State.

Especially throughout the recent decades, the task was to breed a high-performance riding horse for all disciplines from the original, rather robust and chunkier working horse, the mares of Marbach Main Stud have been responsible for the quick transition to the successful modern sport horse breeding.

The Trakehner horse has greatly contributed to the successful change into modern horse breeding. Nowadays, stallions from other areas add to the quality and variety.

The mares of the Main Stud are also significant for the assessment of young stallions by their first offspring.

The first foals are born at the end of February, when Marbach stud is often still covered in snow. By the end of May, all mares will have had their foals. For the coming six months, and weather permitting, the foals and mares will enjoy the pastures together around the stud. After those six months, the foals are weaned off their mothers. The fillies and the colts will be moved separately to one of Marbach’s stud farms for rearing. Throughout September and October, further colts and fillies, either purchased by the stud or livery foals from private breeders will join the groups for rearing.

The foals are being reared together for about two years with professional care and under constant supervision. At the age two and a half, the young stallions will be assessed thoroughly. The selection is very strict. After completion of basic training under saddle, the selected young stallions will undergo a performance test of 70 (new 50) days ending with a final exam. With this procedure, the predispositions of the stallions for all riding disciplines are tested.  Only stallions with above average rideability, character and performance will pass. The stallions who pass the required stallion licensing test with a good result will be presented to the commission of the breeding association for registration in the stallion studbooks and recognition as official breeding stallion for their respective association and breeding areas.

The young mares also go through a thorough assessment. The warmblood mares are backed at the age of three years, the Arabian mares at the age of four and covered for the first time. After a sufficient training period, the mares also have to undergo a licensing test and proof their qualities under saddle.

Horses, mares or stallions, which are not needed to complement the mares or stallions at Marbach Main Stud are offered at the annual stud auction to a national and international audience. Throughout the year, there is usually a number of warmblood horses for sale as well as Arabian Thoroughbreds who are not part of the annual auction.

* There are two forms of government owned German State Studs: 

  • “State” Stud means that the stud only holds stallions to offer to breeders in the state / country. 
  • “Main” Stud refers to the mares owned by the state stud. The stud breeds its own horses with those mares.

Amongst the ten government owned studs in Germany, only four hold mares as well as stallions.  Marbach is one of them (the translation of Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach is strictly speaking: “Marbach Main and State Stud”).